Monday, June 28, 2010

Turn the beat around

I get so excited at the idea of new things. Throwing myself into commitments is exhilarating. Once I finally go, I become as nervous as I was after my first real kiss.
Detour: It was at the end of gr. 9 and I was kissed by my bestfriend's (at the time) brother in the dark after we finished watching Little Mermaid. Needless to say, it was magical! After we kissed I went to the bathroom and shook uncontrollably. I was so smooth even back then. After events like this, should I still wonder why my love life has unfolded like it has?

I had my first day of yoga studio volunteering last night and my stomach was in my throat before I stepped in the door. I was being trained by 3 very teeny girls, in very teeny pairs of Wonder Unders. I was in mine too, not as teeny. It turned out to be a blast, and I took a class. I modified it - lots of modifications - and took child's pose more often than not. Cleaned up the studio and chatted with some new kind souls before heading back to Casa Bridgman.

After I got home, and dried off from the downpour I decided to make stuffed peppers. It was very spur of the moment, and turned the ground turkey I had defrosting in the fridge intended for turkey burgers into part of the mixture for my waiting red peppers. I would usually insert a photo here, but was too occupied telling myself not to gobble up all the mixture before even stuffing the peppers. I ate one for lunch, but was too excited to finally get a taste that I didn't pose for a photo-op then either.

So I'm pretty proud of myself for proving I can work hard for the weight-loss again. But with great power comes great responsibility, right Peter? Welcome back panic. I had an overwhelming sense of doom last night after yoga that I won't be able to continue my progress. Most likely because I could feel my heart beating in my ankle, and the pain radiating out my ears. I tried to calm myself by logging-in to Spark People to read about motivation since I needed as much help as I could get. I stumbled upon this: Turning It around When You're Spiraling Out of Control. Good timing much?

The writer gives a few ways that she is able to turn things around when she is in her "lower points". Though, I don't find all five points helpful, the main message hit me. "The BEST thing you can do for yourself is to treat yourself well," she writes. How simple a thought, but it's so easy to forget. I have often treated myself like junk, both on purpose and not. Shouldn't I be #1? I really think so!

I'll need to start brainstorming some new great ways to treat myself well. My usual go-to is pedicures, but no one is touching my feet until my ankle is healed. As I've mentioned often, I love rewards. A firm believer of gifts for me for being awesome.  They can get expensive, but I really really like them. Enter Angela's blog about a workout piggy bank. Oh, really life? You're playing this game with me? I love signs, thank you! I'll pay myself for working out. Heck yes, I can! Save up for something pretty...oh like a new running outfit for my 5k! Perfect! Goal set, now I just need to set prices for each workout. Do you think my workouts are worth more while I'm injured? Would someone like to sponsor me instead? This is already hard work.

p.s. So I'm just a huge bundle of excitement, layoff. I'll return to my normal bitter, sarcastic self shortly I'm sure.

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