Monday, June 7, 2010

Jean Shorts and Monday Mornings

Rolled out of bed today, and was off to a good start. I was still riding high from actually accomplishing my first goal: start writing about recovery. I saw sun, I slept great, I had a cute dress waiting for me to put on. But what I was most excited about was my overnight oats and banana waiting for me in the fridge for breakfast. Sure, it doesn't take that much effort to prepare, but the fact that I planned ahead earned me a gold star on Monday morning. I topped my mixture with grated coconut and a few carbo chips and was out the door quick, as I realized I was running late for work. One short stop and my delicious breakfast was spilled all over the seat of my car. I was so sad. The last time I made this for breakfast I actually "yum'd" out loud after the first bite. I guess Monday mornings are for reflecting and not eating.
Good News: I have leather seats and it cleaned up easily.
Lesson learned: eat breakfast at home or double check you've secured Tupperware lids.
I had one spoon fill and a lot of water, but didn't want to grab something on the run, breakfast is a tricky meal for me.

I wandered over to Artisano's for lunch, which was delicious and filled my very grumbling tummy. I had a lunch date. I think it went okay but I'm skeptical because he showed up in jean shorts. Personally, I don't think they should still be produced by manufactures. A huge fashion no-no, it was all I could think about. I like to pride myself on my fashion choices, but as my dear friend Lauren (@l_bud) said "I think the fact that he's a firefighter balances out the fact that he wore jean shorts on a first date." We'll see what happens from here.

The ankle is about a 9 on the pain scale today. Not sure what I'm doing differently, but it's reacting differently. Tonight is going to be rehab and rest.

I think I've been dreaming (and day dreaming) about running the last few nights. They have probably been fueled by Megan (@thestoryofagirl or Peace, Love & Motivation). She also fuels my cravings for cookies, and refueled my excitement in Baseball (thanks Dad!). Follow Megs' blog as she takes you through her training for the Toronto Half Marathon in October. She's pretty fantastic, and more people she know about her.

I decided to research her race out of interest of the course and where spectators can stand, when a thought crossed my mind. Why don't I run? Well we all know the obvious reason now, I'm a bit incapacitated. I know I won't be able to heal and train for a half by then. Gosh, if I were completely healthy I still don't think I could do it. But there is a 5 k. A distance I know I can run, and have run on two legs. So my new goal is to rehab like no one's business and start training for this race. I think I may sign up for a Running Room clinic to help me through it as well. We'll start around the same time in different locations, so we wont be able to wish each other luck in person at the start, but I will finish with plenty of time to be at the finish line to cheer her on, maybe even make a sign, or bake some congratulatory cookies for the two of us. My excitement makes the pain a little more bearable...almost!

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