Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Back to the Beginning

I'm about a 9 on the pain scale today. It is reminiscent of Week One when I was sitting in the ER trying to figure out if somewhere underneath the grapefruit growing there was an ankle, and if there was, was anything broken in there. Did I mention tomorrow marks Week Four?

So verdict is: I completely over did it on Monday. Steph told me at phsyio last night, but now I believe it for myself. So I need to calm down just a bit. I haven't re-injured anything, just aggravated it and jammed up my joint. It didn't want to move, even with a lot of manipulation. 

Today is a rest day, I'm not going to attempt any rehab on my own, I'm not going to the gym, I'm not going to physio. I'm just going to ice it a lot and when I get home (so late) I'll do the hot and cold bucket treatment. You know the sensation of jumping out of a hot tub and into the snow? Common, I know I'm not the only 12 year old who has played Truth or Dare in the winter time. Well try that every two minutes with an injured ankle. Two buckets of water - one ice cold, one rather warm. It throws me through the roof, but it gets circulation going. I've also been continuing my dry brushing to promote circulation. If I don't pretend I'm Super Woman (but blonde, I'd totally rock that cape) it seems to be helping.

As I mentioned above today will be a long day. The Uxbridge Enforces Tyke Lacrosse team has won a practice run by the Toronto Rock. Dragging my boys there has proved difficult. It seems like I'll have a handful, but I never am confident until I see them in the flesh. I live in the West, why am I driving to Uxbridge? Because I'm a sucker the world's best media and player relations chickie. <-- sure is my official title.  I'm not sure how I am going to survive on my feet but I've got my brace to help stabilize my ankle.

I really think it makes the outfit. Compliments the skirt, and it matches my top (not shown). I joke around but as subtle as it is the brace has helped me a million times over. It is a great addition, those people over at Trainer's Choice sure know what they are doing. I really don't think I'd be walking as well as I am without it. This is also the only use my yoga mat has been getting lately. I've been doing some meditation as well, but not much. It sure looks lonely, hopefully I'll be able to spend more time with it soon.

I did the unspeakable last night and let myself loose in Bulk Barn. I can get very carried away when it comes to shopping, even if it is for bulk grocery items so I try not to do it too often.
Here's the list:
  • coconut flour
  • buckwheat flour
  • raw macadamia nuts
  • raw cashews
  • raw hazelnuts
  • chia seeds
  • freeze dried strawberries
  • coconut cashews
Okay so the last item may not be as healthy for me as the first seven, but O.M.G. were they good. Notice how I said that in the past tense? Oh yeah, they are all gone. A little help from Sonja, a lot of help from me. Did I want to buy a million more things? Sure did! I'll save that for the next time. I have big plans for the flours and will share with you recipes and photos once I cook (if they turn out).

Here's a question for you: Does it count as negative thoughts if you only internalize them? It's like a tree falling in the woods, of course it makes a noise but if no one is around to witness it you'll never know. So if no one knows I'm being a Negative Nelly, does it really count? Lauren, I can hear you right now preaching "more possy, less neggy". I'm working on it, and I'm very outwardly positive. My inside may be yelling and cussing like a sailor at my ankle, though.  I've always had a thing for men in uniform. Just sayin'.

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