Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Gloomy Tuesday Routine

Legs on Lou go round and round, round and round.

So as much fun as singing the little song was, it may have been the only thing getting me through the elliptical last night. The pain was minimal, though still there, but the legs whirled in circles as the song played on repeat in my head.

As motivation for myself I've hung a pair of jeans from my bedroom door. I wore them once in August '09, and I would like to wear them much more regularly.

They are size healthy, they are size my butt looks hot in these, they are size meant for me.

I see them a billion times a day now, instead of hiding them in my bottom drawer with the rest of the "these don't fit" pants. Once I get my butt back into these pants (which I will) I will do a photoshoot in them. Yes, I will. There we go. It's now set.

Today is a bit of a struggle to me. I have physio tonight and would like to get some foam rolling and yoga time in but there isn't much pushing me along. I found out last night that an amazing gentleman, Barry Larock died last night after a long battle with cancer. Barry was the assistant video coach of the Rock for 3/4 of last season. The news hit me harder than I expected it to. We all knew the outcome of a lung and brain tumor. I'm shaken up, and very sad. Last night I balled my eyes out.

This is how Barry described himself once:
My friends call me Rocko, Rocky, and a host of other handles. I'm 44, really, really short but I have the soul and the heart of a very big man. Why, because I am a fighter! No, not with my fists, but with the mind, an arsenal of courage and strength through my attitude to crush this terrible disease.
I  don't think I could have said it better myself. He was the owner of the warmest smile I have ever had hit me, and would go out of his way to make sure everyone around him was happy. He was giving and charitable. He will be greatly missed.

If you care to know more about this man take a read:
Barry Larock's Cancer Treatment - Barry's Personal Blog
Larock epitomizes courage and class - Peterborough Examiner
Barry Larock dies of cancer - My Kawartha
Larock lived life with dignity and class - Peterborough Examiner

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