Monday, June 21, 2010

Lay off Plakas!

I've been itching to get back to cardio workouts. I did a few sun salutations after Riley upstaged me on my own yoga mat on Saturday night. The pain is still there with weight transfers but I'm hoping I'll be able to struggle through my Friday yoga date with Meg. At the gym I've mostly been doing weight training, which is good, but I haven't really done much that's sent my heart rate into a panic in four weeks and four days(but who's counting). After having to hustle across Bay St. yesterday I've realized that I'm not ready to go jogging yet (holy crow that was painful) and since biking wasn't really doing it for me, I'm thinking that the elliptical will be my next challenge. I can stand on my left foot with even weight distribution and the elliptical doesn't do harm on the joints. Paul Plakas would be so ashamed of me for even thinking about the elliptical.

Paul, listen, I'm sorry but I just can't slam my too much body weight onto my ankle yet. I know you preach doing movements that are practical in life, but I know this time you'll understand. Also, do you need me to tell the producers of X-Weighted that you need more airtime? I'm missing your face and snaggle tooth.
After I saw Paul yell at a tubby while working out I have longed for him to be my trainer. He'd make me cry, but then I feel we'd be all buddy-buddy, and maybe makeout. Hey, it's my television trainer daydream, don't judge. I may have also just found him on Twitter. This may be dangerous. Okay, time to stop being s.u.p.e.r.c.r.e.e.p.y.

I need to go grocery shopping tonight and spend some time cooking for the week. It was nice to just go out today and get lunch. Though too expensive, it feels nice to treat myself on this sunny summer Monday! With Artisano's right across the street, I know I can stay healthy while still eating out. I think I've gushed about just how good their Thai Chicken Salad is, and I will again. So delicious and so pretty.

Of course, I forgot to ask them to hold the red onions AGAIN today. They just burn a hole in my tummy; I don't do too well with raw onion. Pick, pick, pick, gone. This is the kind of salad that you eat and you never want it to actually be done because you enjoy it so much. Yes, it's the kind of salad you could win friends with!

I had a Vega Vibrance bar for a snack today and I forgot how good they were since I was on a Larabar kick there for a bit. I love tasting food and liking it so much I want to yum out loud. Today's eats have totally done that to me. More water and a big mug of peppermint tea.

I also mentioned a bit back on my Twitter that I have warm water with lemon every morning. It is the first thing that goes into my body once I wake up. It balances your PH, kick starts most body functions and - my favourite - clears up congestion. Since I have began drinking it again I have stifled my normally sniffley nose.  I am down to one or less Kleenex a day, and could have used up to 10 before. What I love? Is seeing success in action.

I'm in the process of starting a new workout playlist. I am never good at these things and usually end up with far too much Salt n' Peppa that doesn't actually make sense to workout to. They sure are fun to sing at the top of my lungs though. It's none of your business! 

Once I figure out if this elliptical workout will do something for me, or I can start hustling on the treadmill again I think I'm going to go back to weekly weigh-ins. As humiliating as they are I'm a chick fueled by competition. I have an ongoing bet with myself that I will do well. That's the ultimate goal right? To be healthy and happy.

I'm back on the physio table tomorrow too. Hopefully only good news from here on in. The unexplained swelling has unexplainablly disappeared. That's one (slow and wobbly) step in the right direction. I feel vodka has to be involved, I was doing a little boogie on it for a while on Friday. Drinking? May also need to exit the picture sometime soon. Not like I actually drink much, or frequently.

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