Monday, June 14, 2010

That's What Friends Are For...

Thank goodness for friends! Today my lovely Lori got some spare time to read my blog. I'm so overwhelmed by the response of friends that have taken an interest in me as I am taking an interest in my healing. She had a few questions though, and I'll answer them for all of you and throw in a few more answers of questions I've been thinking of.

JSB? I guess jean-shorts-boy was as impressed with my Alfred Sung black and white dress and killer yellow pointed toe flats as I was with his jean shorts. Over.

That green thing? I found the recipe for the Green Monster on Angela's blog, that leads you to her other website dedicated to the GM. I know it's green, and looks nasty, but it is yummy and I can't wait to see the results. I know they're coming.

Alone forever? Supposedly I don't need to worry about this one at all. Lori has a plan, and might I add a VERY good plan. What do you think?
"Never be afraid of being alone because we're all in it together and sooner or later I intend for us all to pitch in on a mid-sized mansion where we'll all live like the Golden Girls."
Only downside is that I think we'll all be Blanche Devereaux. Well maybe Betty White, now that she's all feisty. It will be an exciting household; I can't wait.

Charge? My fee for pity parties fluctuate per event. Inquire with details for a quote. RFP's will be accepted as well. 

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Let me pick up from where I life you off on Saturday. I had a great time with the dance girls on Saturday night after my physio appointment. I made Insalata Caprese and couldn't help but sneak a few bites in before packing everything up.

I think basil has to be my favourite herb. It is so fresh, and I find it to be a palate cleanser almost similar to mint.

We had a blast, watched our show DVD and had plenty of girl talk. Then they all decided to brainstorm who they were going to set me up with. One of my favourite discussions is how other people will ask me why I'm single. Oh you know, I forgot, there is something wrong with me, I actually drink a big scoop of boyfriend repellent every morning. Matter of fact, I blend it in with my green monster for some extra protein. It's delicious, you should really try it sometime.... How humorous. I'm totally calling dibs on Blanche, girls.

Sunday I spent with sister. We met up with her friend for brunch and then shopped at Vaughn Mills. It was a great time. I bought an adorable new skirt and some pretty fantastic cheetah sunglasses. Oh and a dress from Banana, I channel Jackie O in it, well if she wore cheetah shades. The walk around the LARGE mall was slow, and I thankfully found two benches to rest at while Alli shopped. That evening I met with Lauren and Andrea for some more catching up and ice cream. We tried Mable Slab, I've never been, and though I try to keep dairy out of my diet ice cream has just been so difficult to kick. In all seriousness when you're upset nothing quite comforts like ice cream. A bowl full of berries wont turn my crank after a "lower point".

Oatmeal was on the menu for breakfast and today's snack time is a Peanut Butter and Jelly Larabar. 

I feel that since our names are so similar, it only makes sense that I enjoy them so much. They were basically made for me. I have a salad for lunch, and even threw in a few left over basil leaves as the greens.

I'm back to the gym tonight, and looking forward to doing some balancing exercises on the BOSU. I'm getting much stronger on my foot, and hopefully the walking will follow behind. I've made a date with Megan for Karma class on June 25. Hopefully we can book running dates soon too, but for now yoga sounds like a fantastic challenge. I'm looking forward to it already. I'm also going to clean off the old treadmill at home tonight. The belt sticks when you try to run on it, but I think it will be great to get me walking better. Low speeds, and maybe some incline.

1 comment:

  1. Can't. Even. Wait. I'll do all the blue jobs (I'm becoming a spider killing pro!) as long as we can accept my total lack of domestic ability.
    Side note: Firemen are d-bags... Always. I'm glad you discovered this early. My lesson cost me $200+ and backing my mom's car into a parked car (which should technically also cost me $200+). Good times LOL (maybe my blue jobs shouldn't include being the driver...)
