Thursday, June 17, 2010

Not so PG-13

Happy 4 week hurt-a-versary to me! I actually can't believe that has already been 4 weeks. Although it has flown by, as I arrive on my healing cusp of 4-6 and look down at my brace (today hid under a pair of lulu wonder unders - cute as leggings, practical for running) I'm reminded that I'm still not fixed. Actually still far from. I'm in a lot of pain today, and walking is proving more difficult that a few days ago. I'd rather not continue this for another two weeks, but it seems like that may be the trend.

Excuse me, ankle, I'm supposed to be running soon. Can you please heal faster? I'd appreciate it. With cherries on top.

See, the trick is you have to be nice. When I'm mean to life it likes to fuck up my karma. I've been having an okay streak, so I'm trying hard not to ruin it.

Speaking of okay karma, I've received great feedback from my Big Sisters application and my yoga studio application. I'm currently waiting on "next steps" to get me going on both projects. I am enjoying the thought of throwing myself into such helping tasks. It was my goal not to just to rehab my ankle but also rehab my soul. Giving back? Seems like an amazing way of doing that!

Pause...just needed to call the producer of MenTV. I told him they want to feature a few of my guys on their new show "Cool Guy Files". Who is cooler than my guys? No one! It seems like a go. Probably taping in July. Can't wait! I have a secret dream of being a producer. I'm looking forward to working some broadcast magic this summer instead of doing the mundane office tasks that have kept me oh so not busy.

While cleaning out the filing cabinet (mundane office task) the other day in my office I found this awesome Nikon D-SLR. Not too sure why no one ever uses it, or told me about it. It's a great camera. Needs a longer lens, but its still good. I used it in Uxbridge last evening, and took a picture of my breakfast this morning. I think I want to get a few pretty coloured plates and bowls for my food. Isn't it true that if it looks gorgeous you'll enjoy it more? My fake PB&J aka toasted raisin Ezekiel with almond butter tasted just fine sitting atop my to-do list as it would on a plate...doesn't mean I still don't want one. 

I may keep the camera with me just in case of impromptu photo shoots. Those pesky things pop up out of the blue.

I've been eating ridiculously healthy lately, and I do really enjoy it. I've even been talking myself out of bad food. For instance last night on my way home from Uxbridge I was super hungry and knew I could stop at a drive-thru, instead I let my tummy grumble until I got home and was able to prepare something healthy and delicious. This morning I saw some glorious white flour, thick cut raisin bread in the freezer, but opted for the sprouted grain one. Pat on the back x2.

I have physio and the gym tonight, and I WILL be taking it easy at both places. I don't need to compromise healing just to inflate my already monstrous ego.

p.s. I wondered how long it would take me to drop the f-bomb. I successfully got through 11 posts. Now I'm tainted. Oh well since I did it once: fuck, fuck, fuck.

1 comment:

  1. I adore a good mouth of a truck driver. Let your f* bomb flag fly freely! Sounds like you're having quite the week!
