Sunday, June 27, 2010

That's right put in work, move your ass, go berserk

I lost 5 pounds! And I'm not looking to find it.

It has been one week since I've stepped on the scale.  It wasn't a problem to keep me away this time, but when I was getting healthy (read: hot) the last time, I wanted to weigh three times a day.

I could possibly blame the first weight on cramps, water retention and generally being a tubby, but whatever it was I took ownership of it. I was the only one that made me this way. I also take full responsibility for my progress. I am proud of me. I have worked hard for it. The progress makes me fully realize one thing: the way you eat is the majority of the reason for weight loss (or gain).

Sure, I have been more active this week than the last few - biking, yoga, elliptical, walks - but I'm still not doing all that much and still not moving all that quickly. My major change? has been my eating habits. I'm turning into a bunny I've eaten so much spinach lately, and everything is freshly made with clean, wholesome ingredients. Portions have been kept in check, and water has been consumed like its going out of business.

At the same time I haven't deprived myself of anything. I had two very sugary alcoholic drinks at Jam, I made pasta one day, I'll still include carob chips in things.  I just have a better outlook. I don't zone out before I put food in my mouth. I enjoy every mouthful, and fight my stupid cravings.

Speaking of carbo chips. I made a batch of Megan's Simple Vegan Granola Squares just like I said I would after I devoured the ones she gave me. I didn't have any dried fruit but had the rest of the ingredients on hand so they were whipped up yesterday morning.
I also made a bunch of Almond Chicken Fingers from my Delicious Detox cookbook.
It's pretty simple:
  • Cut boneless, skinless chicken breast into fingers
  • Measure 1/2 cup of ground almonds onto a plate (I ground whole almonds in my spice grinder, worked great!)
  • Pat the fingers in the ground almonds on both sides and lay on a non-stick cookie sheet
  • Drizzle olive oil lightly over the fingers 
  • Bake in a 450 degree oven for 12-15 minutes

So simple, so delish!

I'm going for my first training session at the yoga studio tonight. I'm so excited to be part of their community and once I can get going, I can't wait to try out power yoga. I'll bring my mat with me just in case tonight!

The ankle is probably about a 9 on the pain scale again. As the swelling goes down the pain goes up, and I don't like it one bit. Physio on Tuesday night, hopefully I don't cut off my foot for relief before then.

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