Tuesday, August 3, 2010

that's why she'll be back again

Hi lovies! I've missed you in about a week. Happy August!

This again will be a short post. It has been such a crazy time between work events, and sanity, boys and friends. My social life is improving but I'm not sleeping much. This is always my problem. Balance isn't my best trait.

Since we talked I've celebrated Megan's birthday, visited with Lori and Lauren, worked all weekend in Whitby at the OLA Festival and ditched it all for some me time. 

I took a little escape from my beloved city over the civic holiday to recharge a bit, think and enjoy some sunshine and some family time.
You really can't beat it a sunny patio that over looks the most gorgeous watery view. I tried my hardest to appreciate at it as much as possible, but just ended up falling asleep. What can I say? I was really relaxed.

 This is the first time I've visited our family cottage. My mother has been hounding me for over a month to come see it. I'm glad I did. She has spent most of the summer there, and it was nice to have some quality time with her and the puppy again.

I've had a lot of pain in my ankle this weekend, and tried to get in to see Steph today but she didn't have any mid-day openings and 5:00 p.m. will just not do; I have a very important date tonight. Megan and I are continuing our yoga girlie date nights, and tonight's class feature the ever-so-fabulous Eoin Finn. Haven't heard of him? I'm not sure we can be friends anymore!

I was introduced to Eoin's style of yoga when I worked at lululemon athletica. I started with one of his DVD's and fell into bliss automatically. He is just an amazing personality - sweet and positive - and exudes sex. It's not his appearance, it is just his presence. He is something else. Back in March I took a weekend workshop with him and expanded my practice to whole new levels. Tonight, Eoin is back in Ontario (originally from B.C.) and teaching a two hour Superflow class. I. Can't. Wait.

I hope to check in tonight or early tomorrow to let ya'll know how I get through the class. I'll hopefully learn something new instead of just perv'ing out in the corner over Eoin. The hurting ankle should be a hindrance, but the excitement I have may take over.

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