Monday, August 9, 2010

K-I-C-K-A-S-S...that's the way we spell success

I cried in yoga class again!

There was actually a reason behind it this time (besides my own insanity). I hurt throughout the 60 minute class, which turned into a 75 minute class somehow (yay $2), but at the end of class when I was laying in savasana the instructor grabbed my ankle to give it a shake and move my leg wider. It was so painful and I wasn't expecting it since my eyes were closed. I jumped, gasped, and automatically started with the waterworks. I was in so much shock, and I couldn't calm down. It was five minutes of savasana with tears and a panic attack, pain and hyperventilating; how relaxing! I'm such a piece of work.

Did I also mention that my boobs were trying to suffocate me while I was doing my shoulder stand? Because they were. Clearly the person who invented that pose was a man or a very flat woman.

My love of yoga still hasn't be revived. It was an alright class, but why do I always feel like I need to stretch after a class? Isn't the point of a class to stretch you? I've set a new goal for this week: go to a yoga class on a weekday.

I calmed myself down after about 10 minutes of cleaning and recharged my electrolytes with my new favourite thing.
Vita Coco!

We already knew my love of coconut, but coconut water is something amazing! It has a taste I can't explain or describe, but I'm hooked. I'll have to make a trip to Whole Foods of Planet Organic to see how much they sell it for. The yoga studio is asking me to dish out $3.50 a tetra, which is pretty ridiculous!

In amazing news, my platelet injection got moved from September 7th to today. Have I mentioned lately how much I love Steph? She always seems to be able to re-work things and get things done super fast. This is my kinda person, she understand my sense of urgency and need for getting what I want.

Basically they extract blood from me, spin it in a centrifuge to separate the proteins, and inject those platelets into my ankle to coat the amount of cartilage that has been chipped away. The medical technician inside of me is pretty darn excited. The pain is temporary to fix a very constant existing pain. I will keep you updated on how it goes and how I'm feeling.

The only down side is that I can't jog, dance or skip rope for the next week days. Because I was doing all three of those, right? Not sure where these people are getting their information. If I could do any of those three things I wouldn't need them to poke me with needles. Doctors are so silly!

Alright, I need to hustle. My appointment is in 45 minutes on the other side of town. Wish me luck! I can't wait to remember what a normal left ankle feels like!

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