Monday, August 16, 2010

The faint of heart

I will warn you now, if you have a sensitive stomach, or are squeamish around needles this will not be the post for you to read. I apologize, and I will see you very soon with a non-needle post.

Before you leave, I'd like to share that I did not cry in yoga class on Sunday. I think I'm all cried out when it comes to yoga. As professional sitters, we hold most of our emotion in our hips. I guess I'm all stretched out, no more emotion in these babies. Either that or I'm over emotional and can't even begin to cry again. I think it was one Ms. Carrie Bradshaw that said we are allotted a certain amount of tears. I may have reached my August quota.

Now would be the time to close the blog post if you're not cool with needles. I'll miss you, but understand.

For those who are left, I'd like to take you on Lucy's (can also be spelled Loosey, as in loose ligaments) journey. Yes, Lucy is my left ankle.

Once upon a time (88 days ago) Lucy was a happy ankle, blissful and unassuming. She rocked and rolled, and was her very awesome self. Until tragedy struck (yes, you know the story) forward to today.

Lucy felt pretty stellar after a relaxing weekend hanging out in the ice pool. She even started to resemble her old self.
A little bumpy, but better than it has been

Okay wasn't good enough for Lucy, though. She had to be great, so she made an appointment with the best doctor she could find, Dr. HottiePants.
Oh, hi there!

The first step was for Laura to get some blood drawn. What a sweet girl for complying with Lucy's wishes.
I'm so tough

A trip to go see Wendy was next!
This is where you'll find the boo-boo!

She is a pro at wielding that magic wand!

Nope, that's not a baby, it's inside Lucy!

Lucy, meet platelets.
It's bigger than we thought!

Platelets, meet Lucy.
All cleaned and marked for injection

Get acquainted!
I don't like you, and you don't like me...but it's for the best

OW! Dr. HottiePants, you're really not Lucy's favourite person to visit!
After, in a lot of pain

And that was Lucy's day!

I know what you're thinking, and no they haven't medicated me. This is allllll natural. Aren't you glad you didn't know when when I was a little girl? Sorry, Sister! You had to put up with my story telling all the time.

I hope this is my last of these injections. They are quit painful, expensive, and I have spent the last two Monday's finding it difficult to walk.


  1. I don't know how you let them stick that needle in your ankle! I would be screaming and cursing and crying the whole time. You have some serious cajones :)

  2. but I loooooove your stories. They give me a good chuckle at work, and now everyone here thinks I'm the crazy one

  3. Feeling your pain at least a little....
