Thursday, July 8, 2010

Very merry un-birthday..

I almost fell off the table when Steph told me the good news. My MRI? is covered by OHIP! I'd like to thank everyone and Google for not telling me this. How did everyone know but me? And why did no one share? Saved $1,300 (that I didn't really have)!

Then I was faced with this:
Oh yes, that monster is the scariest thing I've ever run slowly limped into.

My leg got strapped into this metal boot and I was wheeled into the machine up to my arm pits and told over and over again not to move, not to even let me toes wiggle.

That was followed by 30 minutes of "Don't think about your ankle, don't think about your ankle, oh god you're thinking about your ankle, stop it! stop it! Okay calm down, and just don't think about it. Oh no, did I just wiggle my toes? Crap, did I just wiggle them now? Stop it! That was relaxing, I didn't think about my ankle there. Oh wait, stop thinking about your ankle!"

So that was fun...thumbs down...I had a lot of anxiety in that machine, and rightly so. It's a lot of pressure to put on an ankle. They strapped me in all kinds of uncomfortable. I was pretty beaten up on the trip home.

On my last walk with my dad he also suggested I get a second opinion on my ankle. I know he meant going to a GP, but I took it as osteopath. I'll take eastern medicine over western, or anyone that wants to heal me without cutting me open or inject me with poisons.

I tried someone new, an osteopath in Oakville by the office. She was a nut bag, and I will not be going back to her. I hurt more today after yesterday's treatment, and at one time counted 16 needles in and around my ankle.
Notice the resemblance?
Don't ever live in a glass house that your very rich uncle leaves you when he dies, but forgets to mention it is haunted by 13 ghosts. Or I guess go see that Osteopath. Just sayin'

I'm not getting stuck with anything today, and just going to the gym to take it easy. Not sure if I'll workout or get a life coaching session. Some new things have come up today that are really throwing my mind for a loop. Lots to think about. Knowing that I need that twoonie for my sugar jar, I'll probably be sweating. Dad said he'd chat with me about everything if we went for a walk too. Advice and $0.50? I'll take it!

Lots of rest and lots of ice...oh and a very merry 7 Week hurt-a-versary to you!

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