Saturday, July 10, 2010

Funky fresh, dressed to impress

 It's been a tough week. Even though my ankle looks like an ankle again, the pain has been pretty intense. I cannot wait to get the MRI results and figure out what's wrong with me so I can get fixed. I'm pretty ready to be done with this injury.

When I got my MRI on Tuesday I had to take out my tragus piercing. This is the first time I've taken it out in five years and had to pry the hook apart with pliers. I was a sad sight trying to get it out. Instead of attempting to put it back in myself I treated myself to a new piece of jewelery and got the piercer to make sure it was properly cleaned and installed.
I opted for stud instead of a hoop.

I started my Saturday morning with physio. Steph again commented about how well I was walking, but was concerned when I filled her in on my screaming pain - she didn't look too happy. We did more acupuncture (3 needles, not 16) and A.R.T. Steph always comments on how well I deal with the pain. If you had my mom attempt to do french braids after loading on the hair spray, you wouldn't flinch or complain either! After the session was complete, I was outfitted with some new tape. 
It's supposed to set off my skin receptors if my ligaments over stretch. Boy, does it work. It keeps my ankle in place. How stylish!?!

Side note about Steph: she is also an instructor at U of Waterloo and is part of a team that has created numerous tests for nationwide back and hip pain treatment. I told her that I've been suffering back pain on and off since 2008 and would love to try out these tests she created. At my next appointment we're going to do a gait analysis and these tests for fun. I love being a research subject, and Steph seems pretty excited to have a lab rat. 

Today was so lovely that I didn't want to spend time inside, I decided to head over to Streetsville. I started with a tall sugar-free vanilla soy latte because it is Starbucks Saturday. The thought of going for a stroll in the park lingered until I remembered about the vintage store! I walked there instead.

This bag was $5.
It may come to Boston with me in August. Who am I kidding? I'll need something much larger for five days of shopping.

Then I found two scarves for $10.
The pink with polka dots on the left is for Sister. I thought of her as soon as I saw it, then she confirmed she liked it over text. 

Last but not least were these ridiculously high purple patent pumps.
I know what you're thinking. Umm..Laura, you can't even wear heels, why are you buying them? Okay, okay, that ran through my head too, BUT, they were $12 and new with tags and oh so adorable. I know I'd kick myself if I passed them up. Plus they made me happy and I look forward to wearing them. Please stop judging me, I know I'm talking in circles to try to distract you from the fact I bought ANOTHER pair of heels when I have no use for them right now.

I did end up in the park to enjoy some sunshine and a little walk later on in the afternoon after coming home for lunch and to ice my ankle. It's been a great relaxing day with just me.


  1. I wish I loved shoes the way you love shoes. Teach me, wise one.

    P.S. Those ones are great!

  2. Question.. where did you get your tragus stud??
