Friday, July 23, 2010

And, as I recall, I think we both kind of liked it

Yup, you saw that update correctly, $23. Yesterday was a productive day. I returned to the office for the first time in a week, edited videos, had a weight training session and a long bike ride. 'Go Louie Go!', as my dad would say.

I visited Steph yesterday, too. She had some interesting news for me. St. Joe's Hospital? completely miss-read my MRI. It seems that they indeed read it inverted and reported on the back on my ankle/foot instead of the front. Steph listed off about five or six things that are still damaged, but reassured me that the ligament tear has completely reattached. Well, phew! Thank goodness for one thing going right. Edema, fluid on tendons, bone spur, condyle lesion, and S-something-itis (really need to pay more attention) were all terms thrown around. Doesn't sound too friendly, includes cartilage damage, but can be looked after. Depending on severity of the bone spur they may want to cut me open, but I'd rather not, so I want them to look into that one more in depth.

I cracked open a new book last night after getting home from dinner with Andrea (Rosewater, yum!). I purchased it up on a whim, because I love memoirs and I love Tiffany; Sister and I agreed that it would probably be a good read.
 Toile bed sheets and pink nails I also love

The author, Marjorie Hart, begins the book with a simple question on an otherwise very blank page: 'Do you remember the best summer of your life?'

I'd love to tell you that I'm experiencing it currently, but we'd all know that's a lie. I am learning and experiencing great things this summer, but I wouldn't describe it as "the best of life" or "best, ever" (for Meg!). In my so far short 24.8 years, I'd have to say it is a tie between the summer of 2006 where I worked outside every day, had a rockin' tan, a very fun boytoy, great friends, and interesting adventures and the summer of 2007 where I experienced the feeling of love for the first time (which was quickly followed by heartache - ouch), retaught myself ballroom and latin dance with the help of the cutest old man with the most game I've ever witnessed, and laughed and smiled till my cheeks hurt numerous times daily. I'm sure both of them will be topped in following years. What is your best (ever) summer memory?    

On Tuesday I was telling you that I have committed to making a motivation board.

Step #1: 'Locate magazines' was completed that night.

Step #2: 'Select and cut out motivational phrases and photos' was started this morning at 7:15 a.m. I'm pretty sure I was supposed to be getting ready for work and making my lunch. (I may have grabbed shorts out of my hamper and am going out for lunch instead).

Step #3: 'buying bristol board and arranging the images and phrases' will have to wait till tonight or later this weekend after I collect more motivational components.

Once it is finally complete (I love arts and crafts, btw, not sure why I didn't think of this sooner) I'm going to hang it in my closet, a place I visit everyday.

I also bought a set of star post-it notes that are destine for great things. Just you wait.

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