Sunday, September 5, 2010

Both sides of the fence

Today was another leap and bound in yoga class.
I've mastered bakasana.
Bakasana (source)
Or better known as crow pose.

It is something I've only attempted a few times, and they have been sweaty and slippery attempts. Today, after toweling off and wearing longer tights, I mastered it. It was my ah-ha moment and I loved it! Now if I could only do shoulder stand and plow without strangling myself with my boobs. It's really no fun cutting off the air supply.

Good news - no tears, not a lot of pain in the ankle.
Bad news - morning workouts don't agree with me. Be it in the gym or yoga studio, I just get too queasy.  Today was so exception. Not enough calories in = dizzy and pukey in yoga class. 

My ankle actually looks better than it has since this whole thing started.
It actually looks like an ankle again!!!

The weirdest part is that with a well placed touch, I can still send off the nerve that runs into my pinky toe. Its a very tingly and odd sensation. That will need to go away soon. 108 days...yeah, it could have disappeared anytime.

I've been pretty mean to my body lately. Not working out often (I'm still afraid to run) and not eating very well. I have to put myself through another detox, because something I'm eating is causing intense headaches again. I'm thinking it is dairy, which has slowly creeped back into my diet thanks to ice cream and cheese. I will miss both of you dearly, but you are no good for me.

That won't start tonight though - there is ice cream to be eaten. Once that is done, I can start. How can someone be part Italian and not eat dairy? I know, but I've done it before and it didn't kill me (just a mild wound and longing), so here we go again. 

Any tips on how to care again about cooking and cleansing and the such?

For my music fans, please listen to the Jackson Square album by the Arkells.

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