Wednesday, July 1, 2009


From: Bitter Bridge
To: Surley Sister

I hope you've realize I'm putting the "o" in stupid for comic relief of being stupid.
I was just on the most pointless conference call EVER for the summer team. Now I have an hour to kill before I leave to meet Andrea for le movie.

From: Surley Sister
To: Bitter Bridge

Please revoke comment that I'm not stupid, cause I had lotsa u's cause I thought I was being emphatically stupid (in my mind, spelled: stoopid)

-10 points for all the brain cells i lost reading about cupcakes

Hissy Fit #1

From: Bitter Bridge
To: Surley Sister

Did you get your free coffee this morning? Yum yum!

From: Surley Sister
To: Bitter Bridge

You bet, and it wasn't busy at all. There is a good possibility I'll also go by on my way home and snag a coffee for tomorrow...get a tea?

From: Bitter Bridge
To: Surley Sister

No, they threw a hissy that tea isn't included. Then I threw a hissy that I was told that it was. I ended up with a coffee. Hissy fit wasted...tough crowd!

From: Surley Sister
To: Bitter Bridge

Of course you threw a hissy fit. Should have asked if your barista boyfriend would be working today and he could get you free tea.

Things That Suck - June 11/09 edition

From: Bitter Bridge
To: Surley Sister

1. Not having any work to do today because I'm waiting on another team to get their act together
2. Being too prepared for a nothing day in the office, that I can't even find something minimal to do
3. Growing old with cats....just sayin'
From: Surley Sister
To: Bitter Bridge

Re: Things that suck...con't
4. being at a retreat all morning, so when you get back and are ready to do things, there is nothing for you to do because the twat you're waiting on was also at the retreat....
5. growing old with cats....word!

Things that do not suck:
1. getting your son to date their daughter to steal.....their gold
2. the coolio dance that goes with "i wear my sunnnnglasses at night......."
3. not spitting toothpaste all over the kitchen
4. starbucks, when you can manage to keep it all in your cup

...unexpected rain also sucks

Monday, June 22, 2009

Things That Suck - June 15/09 edition

1- When your cute dress gets blown up to your waist by a gust on wind, showing those on Wellesley your undies. They were navy lace boyshorts for all those walking on a different street this morning and are curious to know.

2- When your lock-n-lock of vanilla rice milk leaks all over your cute lululemon bag getting the contents wet and smelling a bit like vanilla rice milk, including my crisp 20s.

Stuck in Airport! Volume 2‏

Hi ya'll,

It only takes a minutes...yes ONE MINUTE to get through security at Brunswick Airport. It is defintiely nice to be the only person in line.

I am now in Atlanta, Starbucks in hand and Larabar in tummy. I defintiely needed it, I felt like I was going to upchuck on the landing. It was smooth, but my tummy totally wasn't. All better now, and I'll get some lunch once my laptop is fully charged.
(Upside:found a plug; downside:sitting beside garbage can)

There is a little foodcourt on Councourse B that I've yet to see. Nothing tooo good, but i'll eat something. I have two hours before the flight leaves, so plenty of time.

They just paged David Bowie! Classic! There was a guy sitting by me that looked identical to the spanish chef on Top Chef...anyone? No!? OKay, just me!

It is nice and sunny here too.

Things I will miss: sun, beach, mom, puppy, Target, sleeping in, Paula's Party, Brogen's, beach, tan...sun!

Things I won't miss: concrete bed, stepping on shells, ouchie burns on my back, the thought of puppy lovin' on some cow ear. (He really likes them, it's kinda gross, but he stays quiet.)

Cute blonde woman that helped me out in Brunswick told me to have some Swiss Chalet for her, told me how much she missed it.

I think that's it from me now. See you around 6:30 Dad, around 8 something Alli, in a few months Mom.

Love Lou

Stuck in Airport! Volume 1‏

Mom and I arrived at the airport, just before 11:00 a.m. so I'd be ready for my noon flight. Sun shining. All happy!

Informed at check-in that the plane was put into maintenance in Atlanta and will be delayed 45 minutes. Just long enough to miss my transfer and my plane back to Buffalo for 3:34.

Me = upset (near tears...I'm emo, it's ok)

I tell mom to leave, that there is no point wasting her day when it is beautiful and sunny, and the puppy wants on the beach ASAP.

I look at my boarding passes and they haven't given me one for my new flight, but instead my original one that I will be missing. Working chimps!

I go back to the counter to (loudly) exclaim "I have a question!"

I'm helped this time by a cute blonde woman, who asks "where are you from? I can understand you!" Find out she is from Toronto too, moved here 4 years ago after marriage. As my hometown kindred spirit she figures out the new boarding passes, gives me a seat upgrade with more leg room but still in coach, and gives me a $7 lunch voucher for when I get to Atlanta. What a peach!

Me = much less emo!

I won't be getting to Buffalo until 6:30 now, so I'll have a nice wait in Atlanta, but I'm used to that. I can find me some lunch (read:Starbucks), and find my gate with plenty of time.

Mom: thanks for dealing with me for 10 days. I had a great time! Thanks for so much fun!

Dad and Alli: See ya tonight suckas!

Love Lou

p.s. If I have WiFi in Atlanta, you may get another update!